Peace tea

Choose peace

The Choose Peace Campaign

Coca-Cola's ice tea brand Peace Tea came to us in desperate need of capturing young people’s attention. We created a campaign encouraging teenagers to spend less time on their devices, by getting them outside to perform random acts of kindness, but in a Gen Z way. Through social and video, we increased the client's traffic with silly, colorful advertisements we called Randomer Random Acts of Kindness.

The Work

Using some of Peace Tea’s existing assets, we conceived a way to elevate it with campaign specific on-set photography and new colorful, graphic treatments. The colors stories had to be coordinated beforehand to their respective scenario (Surf’s Up, Flower Power, Free Rides, and Kiss Me), which followed through all areas of delivery.

Deliverables worked on: design, production (print, out-of-home, digital, social, website, color expertise, & retouching)

Website Reskin

Short Form Videos for Digital & Social

“Flower Power” Commercial

“Kiss Me” Commercial

“Free Rides” Commercial

“Surf’s Up” Commercial


